Dry Etching
- Aluminium and polysilicon RIE etcher using SiCl4, and Cl2 chemistry.
- Dilectric RIE using CF4, CHF3, Ar and O2.
- Deep silicon etching using one of our two DRIE systems.
Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) and Back Side Grinding
- Polishing of oxide, nitride, metals and polymers using our Presi CMP tool.
- Grinding of Sicon to thin wafes using a Disco back grinder
Wet Etching
- Fume extracted class 10 laminar flow chemical stations for
- mineral acid cleaning and etching treatments.
- solvent stripping and cleaning
- Dry and wet thermal oxidation
- Annealing of thin films
- Carbonisation of polymer films
- Phosphorous and boron solid source diffusion
- LPCVD amorphous and polysilicon
- LPCVD of stoichiometric and low-stress silicon nitride
Thin Film Deposition
- Physical vapour depsoition (PVD) using magnetron sputtering for materials including AL, Al/1%Si, Al/1%Si/4%Cu, Cr, Cu, ITO, Ni, Ta, TaN, Ti, TiN and W.
- Thermal evaporation of materials including Ag, Al, Bi, Ni, Pt, Ti and Zn.
- Plasma enhanced depositon (PECVD) of silicon dioxide and nitride.
- Standard spin resist coating using standard positive and negative working resists along with materials such as polyimide, SU8 and PDMS is achieved using a number of different systems.
- Spray coating with positive and negative working resists which gives us the capability to spray coat different materials from standard resists through to novel polymer materials such as Nafion
- Mask aligning and exposure using our Karl Suss MA8/B8, double-sided mask aligner contact system.
- Maskless lithography with front and back side alignment using the DMO ML3 maskless lithography system.